Today, I’m asking you to give to Mozilla. I’m asking because it’s been a rough year for many of us. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world - and online - right now. I feel it. I’m guessing you feel it, too.
I once heard someone say, "When you think you can’t take anymore, give." Give to your neighbor, your friends, your family, that stranger on the street who looks like they could use a smile. Giving heals.
As we head into 2017, you’re going to hear us talk a lot about the health of the Internet. One way we can help each other right now is to make the Internet that connects us a healthier place.
Healthier means feeling more secure online. Knowing the encryption on your phone doesn’t have backdoors. Knowing what news is real and what is fake. Building an Internet that belongs to all of us - and not just a few.
In these uncertain times, a healthy Internet is going to be more important than ever. I’m committed—Mozilla is committed—to the work we’re facing to make the Internet healthier for us all.
If you've never given to Mozilla before, right now is the time to chip in. Our year-end fundraising campaign fuels our plans to build and protect the Web we know and love.
Click here right now to make a secure online gift to Mozilla before our campaign ends on December 31st.
Ultimately, we know this: If we want to grow and protect the promise of the Internet, we need everyone to be citizens of the Web. Mozilla has big plans to grow this movement, but we can't do it without you behind us. That's why we need your support.
Every gift matters, no matter how big or small.
Click here right now to donate to Mozilla's year-end campaign. Deadline: December 31st.
Together, we are part of a growing movement to protect the open Web-but as we grow, threats to the Web grow also. That is why we need many more people to join us and take a stand for the open Internet in 2017 and beyond.
Your support helps Mozilla change the world for the better by making sure everyone can participate in a Web that is open and free. Together, we have built a vibrant network of friends and allies who share our vision of the Internet as a global public resource that belongs to all of us. The next wave is up to us.
Thank you for all you do for Mozilla,
Mark Surman
Mozilla Foundation
We really believe in the good work we're doing, and it's only possible, thanks to people like you.
Originally Published By Mozilla Foundation
Re-published By opensourceinside.blogspot.com